The workshop involves presentation and discussion and will be delivered by an academic and science careers specialist.
NOTE: room changed to A2-84.11
Participation is free but registration is necessary, room for max 50 people - sign up here
deadline June 19th
About Sarah Blackford, Doctoral Career Consultant:Sarah Blackford is the head of Education & Public Affairs at the Society for Experimental Biology and author of 'Career planning for research bioscientists'. As a qualified careers adviser and coach and with a background in bioscience research and publishing, Sarah provides a wide range of career support to doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers. She has been delivering specialised career workshops in the UK and across Europe for over 15 years covering subjects such as CV writing, interview technique, non-academic career alternatives as well as personality profiling (with MBTI®) and skills recognition. Sarah also offers one-to-one career guidance and coaching. She is a member of the Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (serving on the Research Staff Task Group) and a registered tutor with Vitae. For more information including a list of publications see her LinkedIn profile.
Read Sarah's blog
Read interview with Sarah in Nature here